2023+: The U&AI Lab

> artificial intelligence
> social biases and inequities
> technological design
> research-creation
> EDI outcomes

Founded and directed by Lai-Tze Fan, funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the U&AI Lab examines AI that reinforces systemic oppressions that many believe are in the past, but that continue to be dangerously perpetuated through rapidly developing AI technologies. The U&AI Lab will contribute a novel, multidisciplinary approach that disrupts inequitable AI at critical stages of design and production. Our research has three primary objectives:

  1. Identify and break down the unseen social implications of AI, producing data-driven research on biased design and production;
  2. Create innovative and alternative methods, resources, and toolkits with EDI-enhanced outcomes;
  3. Through interactive and experiential methods, test and apply EDI-enhanced design principles and practices for AI.

We currently focus on three case studies in AI, under Dr. Fan’s direction: generative textual and language-based AI, facial recognition technologies, and AI hardware and the environment.

Currently, the U&AI Lab is under renovation and development. Please look for future updates!

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